DSC00129 — New Delhi, 14:00hrs xxxxxx 38°c. | 80%RH HAZE: Building Construction sand and grit exposed to pre-monsoon showers and heat – July, 2004

Composite text from an email exchange between Anand Bhatt and http://home.earthlink.net/~aetherica/ (bc)

          | Building Construction sand and grit heap 
          | exposed to pre-monsoon showers and heat.

Building Construction sand and grit exposed to pre-monsoon showers and heat

          | A grain comes to rest. Another joins it.
          | Many grains follow from a variety of sources, 
          | Brought to a point of accumulation by chance.
          | Not brute chance. Chance descrimination ...
          | Massumi, in A User's Guide to Capitalism 
          | and Schizophrenia, pp 48.

Building Construction sand and grit exposed to pre-monsoon showers and heat Building Construction sand and grit exposed to pre-monsoon showers and heat
Building Construction sand and grit exposed to pre-monsoon showers and heat Building Construction sand and grit exposed to pre-monsoon showers and heat


In the mind. In the need. The alienation may be pure. Detachment. Separation. My mind gets so tired, alone. Language, images, everywhere often saying nothing. There is a beginning to your span of images that do say more than can be written about in words today. Yet it seems only conversations could navigate it. And collections of these, records, documents, as a way to find shared and differences, to hypothesize conditions based on this exchange of experience, empiricisms, one and many, to get beyond words. What is in the images is universal, in part, in whole. Vice-versa. Yet the words will forever escape me, though if able to share perceptions, some greater resolution would be achieved, and firstly, offline. A pile of dirt is, to me, a sign of hope for change. It is a question. And why construction/destruction and these aesthetics have more meaning, to me, in universal terms, than a finished design-style. Anything would seem possible, best to the worst. What that is, is a question, and what it will mean.

Ur, circa 1930 (from Wooley's expidition)
Ur, circa 1930 (from Wooley’s expidition)

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(infra)-structured Delhi, around 2004 - the city enroute to Alphaville, via Liberalization (1992) JNNURM (2004) and CWG (2004-2010) programmes, the city is currently experiencing a mission-oriented smart cities’ (2015- cont’d) state.